
Customer Testimonials

Marina, I appreciate you more than you will probably ever realize.  It is my pleasure to offer this feedback and provide pictures of the sewn out files.  I should have done this with each file and I do apologize.  I just don't have the words for how your email made me feel.  Most business do not treat customers like to you do. You have made me feel my orders count and mean something to you.  This is certainly how I treat my customers, but in my experience this is not how most companies treat their business customers.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please know I will always come to you first and will never take advantage of your generosity you have extended to me.  I do wish I had more customers with young children so I could use more of your designs, 99% of my customers are either over the age of 30 or retail businesses.

Patricia Robins


My Daughter and I own a small decorated apparel business (Shenanigans Crafts) in Lexington, KY.  While searching on the internet for embroidery designs, I was lucky to run across "Embroidery monkey".  I was pleased to find all kinds of designs, fonts and monograms; at  a reasonable price, and they even run specials!

We have a client that needed a design, and we needed someone to digitize it for our embroidery machine; thus a wonderful relationship was formed; Embroidery Monkeys Mairna, is a digitizing whiz!  She does exceptional work, the prices are reasonable, and if something needs tweaking she is more than happy to accommodate.

Embroidery Monkey has been an exceptional business to work with!

Brenda S Anderson


Embroidery Monkey has such nice machine embroidery designs and outstanding customer service and felt I needed to write and let other's know.  On March 31, 2017, I decided to place a second order due to the sale.  However, It was on the last day of the sale.  I live in Chesapeake, VA and am rather used to hurricanes, but 3-4 tornadoes came very close to where I live.  I placed my order after hiding in my closet with my 2 cats when the tornadoes were close.  To make a long story short, I missed the sale by 5 minutes. I decided to ask if Embroidery Monkey if they would consider making an exception due to internet problems from storms etc.   To my surprise they were so nice to deal with and gave me a store credit.  Due to an illness I have not embroidered anything yet but when I am feeling better I will send in some pictures of things I have embroidered.  

Again, thank you very much,



Thanks EmbroideryMonkey!! Fast turnaround for digitizing and the best prices I've found - I have you on 'speed dial' for my most important projects!! Special logos for 2 of my daughters wedding shower favors - personalized hankies with their logo/names/date are a hit!! 

Katie C.